
Fotografia del sito dell'Associazione Software Libero a fine 2005

Associazione Software Libero

Organizzazione affiliata a Free Software Foundation Europe

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The Italian EUCD implementation

(Versione italiana di questo documento)

The following archive contains the final version of the Italian EUCD implementation (legislative decree n. 68/2003).

The file has been extracted from the web site of the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic. Since the original document requires a proprietary plug-in in order to be viewed with a web browser, we have converted it into an easily-accessible compressed archive, which contains one PDF file for each page of the decree.

Terms of distribution

The web site of the Official Gazette allows the redistribution of documents published in electronic format, as long as:

  1. it is made clear that this is not the original version of the document;
  2. there are no distribution fees;
  3. there is a reference to the original document (which is available here).

Last modified on May 13th, 2003

Fotografia del sito dell'Associazione Software Libero a fine 2005

Copyright © 2000-2005 Associazione Software Libero (info@softwarelibero.it)
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